

Feeling unprepared for birth?
Fed up with googling your way through pregnancy?

Waiting for your care provider to educate you and in the meantime are listening to all the podcasts?

Feel like decisions are already being made for you and you aren’t sure what you are allowed to ask for?

Want to take control but are wondering if there is anything you can do to actually influence the way your birth goes?

You’re in the right place, welcome!

mother down under


Hypnobirthing Australia Positive Birth Program

Do you want a birth like this?

  • You’re calm and in control
  • Your partner is actively involved and their role is respected
  • You understand the physiology of labour in a modern context
  • You understand various medical practices and how to avoid unnecessary interventions
  • You make evidence based choices for your own individual circumstances
  • You are prepared no matter how your birth unfolds
  • You’re ready to own your experience, without the ‘woo woo’

Join a Hypnobirthing Class today!


The Positive Postpartum Program

This isn't a plan:

  • My partner will be home for two weeks
  • My mum is coming to stay for a bit

Don't wait + wing it!

A Practical self-paced course where, you’ll gain:

  • Knowledge, resources + tools to experience  a positive postpartum without winging it.
  • Realistic expectations about what to expect.
  • An understanding of normal newborn behaviour.
  • Tips on asking for help while maintaining boundaries.
  • Strategies for managing people and unsolicited advice.
  • Knowledge around what postpartum depletion is and how to avoid it
  • A postpartum planning workbook + bonus cookbook 

Join the Program today!

1:1 Support

feel informed + supported every step of the way

Get Support + Guidance

Feel like your your 15 minute antenatal appointments are far too short? Wishing you had more time to get all the answers?

This 1:1 support session has been designed to fill in the gap between what you currently know and what you want to know about pregnancy, birth or postpartum.

We can have nuanced conversations about all of your options and what choices might be best for you as an individual.

You deserve to feel informed and supported every step of the way.


Calm + 
In Control– Courtney
“Had we not attended your Hynobirthing course, I think our experience could have been really scary and overwhelming. Instead we felt calm and in control - I knew what choices I had, what they would mean, and how to navigate the process in the best way for myself + my baby.”
It was EPIC!– Gem
“I loved the sessions and found the class to be immensely helpful, [but] it was my husband who learned the most. The class gave him the skills and tricks he needed to support me to have the best birth possible. It was EPIC!”
Useful + 
Encouraging– Sami
“I loved the Positive Postpartum Program. I watched the videos at a time when I was feeling all the feels…a bit low and doubtful of my abilities as a mother.  Your informative, useful, and encouraging advice helped me immensely”

The Book Circle

Finding my way back to books after my babies started to grow was a crucial aspect of reclaiming myself and my time. I started The Book Circle because I love reading, and it’s a great way to connect with other Mothers keep in touch with my clients.

On the first Monday of every month we eat baked goods, drink tea (or you are welcome to bring along something stronger), chat briefly about the book, and mostly about being women + mothers in today’s world.

Down Under Diaries

“I love that I am still learning from you even after the course and the postpartum program.”

Pregnancy, Birth + Postpartum tips, directly to your inbox, PLUS things I think you will enjoy, find helpful, and that I want to share – like food, books, and life updates.

Down Under Diaries

Regular Pregnancy, Birth + Postpartum tips, sent directly to your inbox.

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