So I am six months in (again) and am (again) reminded of how little babies actually need.
Here are a few of the things I (and Lyddie) have relied on in these first few months.
1. SIDS Monitor
Perhaps I am just super paranoid but if I didn’t have one of these I know I would be up all night listening for every breath.
These monitors “listen” for you. You put sensors under the mattress and if they don’t feel your baby breathing, they alarm.
So good for putting worried minds at ease so you can catch some zzz’s.
2. Love to Dream swaddle suits.
I started swaddling Lyddie at about one week old and now at six months, she is still swaddled!
I don’t think these were around when C was a baby but they are life savers.
One zip and your baby is happy…they feel secure but still have access to their hands.
I zip Lyddie’s up and she immediately stops fussing and starts looking for the boob.
3. Bath Support
When we had Charlie we tried bathing him in just about everything and nothing was easy until we found this little terry bath sling.
4. Play Mat
I know I bang on about this play mat but seriously it is the best!
5. A Carrier
I used my Ergo 360 a lot in the early days but now I turn to my Sakura Bloom as I can wear Lyddie on my hip and see can see what is happening around her.
6. Towels
You probably don’t need to buy these (or you could get them from Salvos) but towels of all shapes and sizes are a lifesaver. I used reusable wipes or washers to wipe up little spews, I slept with towels covering my sheets for the first few weeks (for breast milk spillage and because Lyddie would overeat and them vomit everywhere) I still have a hand towel next to my bed for whatever I might need it for. Hand towels as change mat. Put them on the rug. Just saves you laundry.
7. Boopy pillios
I actually used this more for supporting Lyddie and somewhere to put here than for breastfeeding but with Charlie I used it for feeding too.
8. Bouncy chair
Once they graduate from the Boppy, you can put them in this chair. I find it most useful to bring in to the bathroom with me and put it at the end of the tub so Lyddie can be with me as I shower. I sing to her. She is kind enough to pretend that she likes it. She DOES NOT like it however when I turban a towel over my head. These are also great for putting on a cooking show.
9. Panadol
You will need it in the wee hours when nothing is open. Make sure you have the age appropriate one and you store it properly (in QLD this generally means the fridge).
10. The one baby item I use more than any other is my pram.
I have an UppaBaby Vista. I have had it for four years now and have used it every single day. And I still love it. Both babies slept in the basinet until they were a few months old…I would just wheel the pram in next to the bed…the pram is really high so it made it easy to reach in and get them for night time feeds. The baby capsule clicks in. And now Lyddie is in the normal seat…facing me and her brother on the skateboard. The basket is huge. I regulary truck two kids, one school bag, a few bags of grocers, and a few personal bits and bobs around.
11. Some sort of toy that crinkles.
Both my kids have loved their toys…The combination of the crinkly material and the little tag like things is a winner. Charlie had Captain Calamari and Lyddie has a little lady bug. Hours of entertainment.
I think that is it.
As always I am a big proponent of shopping second hand or asking friends who have had kids (or are perhaps in between kids) if you can borrow their items.
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