We ended up getting induced at 41 weeks which I was very apprehensive about. I tried pushing it back but they were too busy and couldn’t fit me in anywhere later. I did think about canceling but I also had the OB in my ear about all the risks (standard OB chat). Jarryd was very supportive either way, helped me tap into my positive mindset, and reminded me that we had all the hypnobirthing techniques we had learnt and been practicing since we did the course that would help us no matter what.
The OB broke my waters at 8:00am and they put the syntocinon drip in soon after. I started having contractions around 9:00am and they got intense by about 10:00am. Jarryd put some music on and I put the TENS machine on and got in my zone. I was really focused on the TENS machine and I liked being in control of turning up the intensity when my surges came on.
The midwife was in and out of the room as she was a team leader on the day and taking calls and it was nice for us to have some space and just be in our bubble. Jarryd took the hypnobirthing book and throughout the labour read over some techniques again to help me (unbeknownst to me). He did light touch massage, acupressure points, and I used the comb in the early stages.
The midwife was going to check my dilation at 2.30pm however the surges were getting very intense by about 1:00pm. I was standing over the bed for hours rocking back and forth. Then after one surge, I vomited. I remembered that could be a sign of transition. I felt like I was closer than what Jarryd or the midwife probably realised. She ended checking me earlier at 1.30pm and I was 8 centimetres dilated. I couldn’t believe it. I had a rush of adrenaline and realised omgosh I’m going to do this with no pain relief! She recommended taking the TENS machine off and jumping into the shower.
As soon as the warm water hit on my back I started to feel the baby’s head crowning. The whole labour, I had been visualising my baby getting into the perfect position to birth naturally and envisioning us really working together.
The midwife ran out and called the OB to tell him however when she walked back in she realised I was pushing and so she needed to call him again and tell him to hurry up! I was thinking I would have the baby in the shower without the OB and it didn’t bother me at all. I felt calm and relaxed knowing that everything would be okay. My body really just took over and did its thing. It was so incredible.
She got me out of the shower and I was on the bed on all fours and started pushing before the OB came in. He made it just in time to deliver our beautiful baby girl. A few big pushes and she came out at 2.39pm. The OB and midwives were shocked that my labour was so quick (especially for my first baby) and that I didn’t have any pain relief. I put it down to all the practise and hypnobirthing we did.
I felt completely supported by Jarryd. He was calm, relaxed, and kept me in such a positive frame of mind the whole day. I know had he not have done the course with you, he would have been completely different on the day.
I will recommend your course to everyone! It helped us so much to stay connected with each other and with our baby girl.
Your birth will change your life! Let’s ensure it is a positive change! To find out more about hypnobirthing and class options, please click here.